Cold calling isn’t necessarily anyone’s favorite part of business ownership—but even in the days of inbound marketing and online commerce, cold calling remains a necessity. Hopefully, you have a team of sales professionals who are comfortable with the cold call, and whose success rates are reasonably high. But if you have new cold calling team members, or simply need to give everyone a refresher course, investing in some team sales training can be smart.

Simple Strategies for Cold Calling Success

You can also consult with some of these cold calling strategies, all of which are battle-tested and sure to make an impact:

Take a second to mentally prepare for each call. The call won’t go well if you are fumbling for your words, or if your voice suggests grave anxiety. Take the time needed to compose yourself and prepare for a calm phone conversation.

Practice. Get some phone scripts and practice reading them into a mirror; make note of whether you look relaxed or visibly upset. Also try using a recording device so that you can play back your call and appraise your tone and any verbal tics. Keep practicing, giving yourself notes, and revising your approach until you have it down cold. (Pun intended!)

Make your calls in a familiar, comforting environment. Get whatever you need to create a positive workspace—encouraging quotes, family photos, testimonials from past clients, etc

Pay attention to your tone of voice. The aim is to fall somewhere between sheepish and arrogant—you want to be warm, straightforward, and professional.

Get to the point. Nobody has time to listen to your long windup. A lot of the great cold callers begin with something as simple as, “I’ve got a question for you…”

Take breaks as needed. You’ll need to get up, stretch your legs, get a cup of coffee or a sip of water to recharge yourself. For most cold callers, that’s a five minute break after 15 calls or so—but you may need to take breaks at different intervals, and that’s okay.

Cold calling success depends on your ability to be calm and cool; to make your call, give it your best shot, and then move on quickly. Hopefully, these pointers will help.