During these challenging times, all we hear is how we’re living and working in a new normal – the things that worked in the past can’t be counted on to take us into the future. This is particularly relevant when it comes to engaging and retaining our young workforce. The Millennials, those 20-somethings in your office, are wired for the future trying to stand out in organizations steeped in the past.
Whether you think so or not, your organization needs Millennials. They are the largest U.S. demographic and according to the U.S. Department of Labor they will make up over 50% of the workplace by 2014. They are quickly becoming a strategic component not only in size but spending power and influence. Is your organization ready for them? Do you know what makes them tick? Do you know what you need to do to capitalize on their talents? Can you afford to lose the best they have to offer?
If you answered no to one or all of the questions above, you are in the right place. Learn the new strategies that you can implement across your organization to become the employer of choice for this new workforce.
As a result of this webinar you will know:

Why it’s important to understand and acknowledge generational differences.
The unique traits and values that each of the 4 generations bring to the workplace.
Some interesting and eye-opening generational statistics.
How race and ethnicity play into the generational mix.
The 5 factors that create cross generational conflict and how to resolve them.
The 5 elements that make 20-somethings so unfamiliar to the organizations that hire them.
The 3 secrets to unlocking and capitalizing on the Gen Y potential. [Case studies provided].
The hidden similarities between Baby Boomers and 20-somethings.
The top trends impacting the 21st Century workplace and how to prepare for it.
The 3 skills for which Millennials need training.
Strategic questions your organization must answer to attract top talent and become the employer of choice for all generations.
This webinar provides 1 General Credit hour.
As a former senior executive of a Fortune 500 company, Alicia Blain was so impressed with the contributions and talent of 20-somethings in the workplace that she founded The Millennial Lab to help managers and leaders harness the Gen Y potential for bottom line impact. She also helps Gen Ys figure out the workplace so they can survive and thrive. She speaks, conducts workshops and consults on the topic in the U.S. and internationally and across all economic sectors.
In her new book, New@Work: An Insider’s Survival Guide for a Crazy Workplace , she shares the insider realities of the workplace with college and MBA students and provides a “Success GPS” for their first year on the job.