Valuations of Bids and Offers (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 406375EAU


Understand the difference between the different proposal valuation methods and how these differences impact proposal preparation.Many federal contractors do not fully understand the difference between costbased and pricebased contracts. This difference in valuation methods impacts the procurement from beginning to end. The pricecost differentiation may impact the company’s pricing strategy, the interplay between the technical and cost proposals, and the types of evaluation techniques the government may (or must) use when evaluating proposals. This topic helps federal contractors understand the difference between the different proposal valuation methods, and how this difference should impact proposal preparation. It also helps government contracting personnel and contractors understand what methods may be used when evaluating price or cost proposals. The material also provides an overview of the Truth in Negotiations Act (TINA) and when it may apply to require the submission of certified cost or pricing data. This information is an important tool for federal contractors to optimize the success of their price and cost proposals.

Date: 2020-10-22 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Types of Contracts and How Contract Type Impacts Proposal/Bid Evaluation
• Fixed Price
• Cost Reimbursement
• Time and Materials

Realism Analysis Techniques
• Price Realism
• Cost Realism
• Realism of Professional Employee Compensation (FAR 52.222-46)

Truth in Negotiations Act
• General Overview of TINA’s History and Requirements
• General Overview of When TINA Is (and Isn’t) Applicable

Proposal Evaluation/Award Types and Impact on Pricing Strategy
• Lowest Priced, Technically Acceptable
• Best Value Tradeoff
• Highest Technically Rated at a Fair and Reasonable Price

No Credit Available

Fernand A. Lavallee-Jones Day, Cherie J. Owen – Jones Day