Staying On Top of Payroll Tax Changes


SKU: 410118


Stay compliant, and make sure you are aware and prepared to implement the changes to payroll tax.
Many employers are faced with changes regarding staffing and obtaining seasoned professionals for key payroll roles. With pandemics and world issues, companies are trying to keep up with the most current and relevant laws that impact them. This has become challenging along with the normal annual updates. This presentation will give you the most uptodate legislation, known 2023 changes to date, and how to apply them. You will review Form W2 and how to properly process it, reconciliation of Form 941, and taxable fringe benefits processing. You will also review recent deferred compensation changes and how to understand the payroll impact.

Date: 2022-12-05 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to discuss upcoming regulations and updates and how to apply them.

* You will be able to identify taxable fringe benefits

* You will be able to describe how to properly reconcile Form 941 to the W2.

* You will be able to explain how deferred compensation is an important part of the yearend process.

IRS Tax Forms
• Form 941
• Form W-2
• Form W-2C
• Proper Year-End Reconciliation

Fringe Benefits/Deferred Compensation
• Annual Updates
• Basics About Fringe Benefits Taxable Versus Nontaxable
• Deferred Compensation Overview

Federal and State Unemployment/FICA Tax
• Federal Unemployment Updates
• State Unemployment Concerns
• FICA Tax Updates

AIPB ,CPP/FPC (Pending) ,HR Certification Institute ,CPE ,SHRM ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Dayna J. Reum, CPP, FPC-Dayna J. Reum