Recognizing and Working With Dysfunctional Families (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 404106EAU


Learn to identify dysfunction and to cut through the drama to give families effective help they can understand.Dysfunctional Families are notoriously hard to work with, resistant to change, and can be maddening to work with. This information will give therapists, social workers, teachers, family court lawyers, judges and others who must work with these families simple and clear paradigms to identify dysfunction and to cut through the drama to give these families effective help they can understand as well as a means to change they can grasp and implement. The material is presented in clear, simple, understandable terms and ideas that can then be communicated to family members who are creating and exacerbating dysfunction through their lack of awareness and understanding. Effective interventions and exercises are included, so you will know what to do and how to do it in such a manner that they can affect change in the families. It is essential for anyone who works with families in the courts, in family services, in therapeutic situations, and in schools and colleges to minimize the amount of time spent caught up in the drama, and maximize the opportunities for effecting change.

Date: 2019-02-15 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Recognizing Dysfunctional Families
• Defining Dysfunction
• Identifying Drama = Dysfunction
• Dysfunctional Characteristics
• Drama Triangle (Karpman/Tessina)

Therapist’s Role and Attitude
• Therapist Models Functional Relating
• Effective Exercises and Techniques

Dysfunctional/Functional Cycles
• Understanding Cycles Helps Families Change
• What Is Functional Family?
• Characteristics of Functional Families

No Credit Available

Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D, L.M.F.T-Tina Tessina, Ph.D, L.M.F.T.