Recent Trends of Women in the Workplace


SKU: 410467


Learn about the five trends driving the future of working women.
There are always winners and losers in the war for talent, and the stakes are higher than ever for companies that want to achieve gender equality. Women want more opportunities to advance and a better work culture, and theyre leaving their companies in unprecedented numbers to get it. The reasons women leaders are stepping away from their companies are telling. Women leaders are just as ambitious as men, but at many companies, they face headwinds that make it harder to advance. Theyre more likely to experience belittling microaggressions, such as having their judgment questioned or being mistaken for someone more junior. Theyre doing more to support employee wellbeing and foster inclusion, but this critical work is spreading them thin and going mostly unrewarded. And finally, its increasingly important to women leaders that they work for companies that prioritize flexibility, employee wellbeing, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
You will learn about the different health and wellbeing challenges facing women today and how to address and strategically remove the barriers women face. Without addressing this gender inequality, at the current rate, it would take more than 100 years to reach gender equality in the Csuite

Date: 2023-02-13 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to discuss the effects of work on a womans personal life.

* You will be able to identify factors that affect women in the workplace.

* You will be able to explain how the wage gap affects salaries.

* You will be able to review trends driving the future of working women.

History of Women and Work

Where We Are Today

Factors That Affect Women in the Workplace

How the Wage Gap Affects Salaries

Effects of Work on a Woman’s Personal Life

Learn About the Five Trends Driving the Future of Working Women

Glass Ceiling or the Maternal Wall or the Broken Rung?

Explore Ways to Deal With the Leaky Corporate Pipeline

HR Certification Institute ,SHRM ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

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