Onboard New Customers to Maximize Their Lifetime Value


SKU: 406097


Learn valuable strategies to incorporate in your customer onboarding program to ensure a positive experience now and in the future.
Many organizations fall into the trap of offering productsservices that are not differentiated from their competitors, thus they fail to deliver truly meaningful benefits (typically reflected in poor service) to their customers. In short, they take their customers for granted. They fail to ensure a successful (profitable) relationship, by failing to exceed customer expectations from the very start of the relationship. That leads to low levels of client engagement, and failing renewalretention levels.
This topic will deliver immediately actionable strategies to ensure the customer has a positive relationship that will make them know they made the right choice when they chose you, and a successful onboarding program will teach your customers how to use your productservice in such a way as to understand the value you deliver that creates meaningful differentiation from your competitors.

Date: 2020-07-13 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:00 PM ET

Learning Objectives

Create a List of Engagement To-Do’s Early on in the Relationship
• At the Time of Sale/Engagement
• By the End of the First Week
• At the End of the First Month

Confirm All the Customer Key Contacts
• User(s)
• Purchasers
• Decision Makers
• Influencers

Best Practices
• Truly Understand Your Customers: The 5 Needs All Humans Possess; Maslow’s Hierarchy
• Set Clear Expectations Throughout the Relationship
• Show Value Every Step of the Way
• Maintain Constant Communication
• Create Customer Driven Goals
• Always Strive to Exceed Expectations
• Measure How You’re Doing Serving Them • Use Net Promoter Scores and Customer Journey Analytics

The Customer Onboarding Checklist

New Customer Welcome Kit

Onboarding Our Time Together Checklist

Training Resources Repository

Onboard Hand-off Plan: From Onboard Specialists to Account Management Team

IAAP ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Ethan L. Chazin, M.B.A.-The Chazin Group LLC