Multiple-Party Settlement Negotiation Strategies to Benefit Your Client (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 408925EAU


Learn negotiation strategies to streamline the effective resolution of multipleparty litigation.Multipleparty negotiations are complicated and challenging. They generally involve significantly more issues, attorneys, insurers, experts, and perspectives than twoparty negotiations. Each player has its own goals and interests. Plaintiffs push to maximize recoveries. Defendants concentrate on minimizing damages and shifting responsibilities. Attorneys challenge pleadings, decipher contracts, and assert defenses. Insurers highlight policy language to define covered losses and involve other carriers to share the risks. Experts bring technical insight to all aspects of the discussions. Litigation costs soar. Through all of this, multiple individual agreements must be brokered to reach a global resolution. This topic will focus on negotiation strategies to streamline the effective resolution of multipleparty litigation. Preparation is key know your case, prepare your client, manage the process, execute a strategic action plan, and close the deal. When counsel follows these guidelines, they bring significant value to their clients and ultimately minimize risks, expand options, and optimize the resolution of multipleparty disputes.

Date: 2021-10-28 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives


Know Your Case

Prepare Your Client

Manage the Process

Develop and Execute an Action Plan

Close the Deal


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Anne M. Lawlor Goyette-Griffiths Goyette