Managing and Reporting Disruptive Physician Conduct


SKU: 410131


Understand the impact disruptive physicians have on all aspects of the health care delivery process.
The disruptive physician may create numerous organizational issues hindering the ability of the organization and its providers to successfully deliver optimal medical services. This disruptive force may negatively impact the relationships between the organization, its providers, and staff and the patients impression of the organization after witnessing such disruptive behavior. The result may be diminished quality of care and increased liability resulting from such a toxic environment. Also, it may result in adverse accreditation or licensure issues due to such disruptive conduct. This presentation will assist those in various roles within a health care organization in recognizing what standards professional, accreditation, and licensing organizations mandate be in place to address such problematic behavior. It examines the impact disruptive physicians have on all aspects of the health care delivery process and explores the legal consequences for the organization failing to adequately address the situation. This topic addresses what actions may be legally taken against the disruptive physician while identifying possible liability traps in carrying out such remedies. Finally, it discusses legal mandates that both the health care organization and physician must be cognizant of in the delivery of care and what best practices should be considered by the organization in the event the physician deviates from what is required. This program will provide a platform for health care organizations and their staff to be prepared for and act swiftly to reduce the negative impact such improper behavior may cause while still respecting the rights of the physician.

Date: 2022-11-16 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to identify what constitutes disruptive behavior and the rules administrative and legal authorities require to proactively address the situation.

* You will be able to describe the repercussions and possible liability that may result from failing to address disruptive behavior.

* You will be able to discuss what actions may be taken to address disruptive behavior in a legally compliant way to ensure a proper health care delivery environment.

* You will be able to explain policies, procedures, and other action items recommended to be implemented as part of an overall risk management strategy.

Defining What Constitutes a Disruptive Physician
• American Medical Association
• The Joint Commission
• State Licensing Boards
• Medical Staff Bylaws

Impact of the Disruptive Physician
• Professional Interaction Between Medical Providers, Staff, and Patients
• Examples of Common Disruptive Behavior
• How the Disruptive Physician Impacts Quality of Care
• Possible Liability Created by the Disruptive Physician

Addressing the Disruptive Physician
• The Need to Determine the Cause for the Disruptive Behavior
• Policies and Procedures for Disruptive Behavior
• Medical Staff Versus Employed Physician Concerns
• Peer Review, Administrative Action, and Other Issues

Actions to Take Against the Disruptive Physician
• Remedial Measures, Investigation, Summary Suspension, and the HCQIA
• Employment Considerations
• Credentialing and Other Risk Management Issues
• Potential Liability to the Disruptive Physician for Taking Action

• When Is Enough, Enough for Such Behavior?
• Methods by Which to Limit Liability Related to the Disruptive Physician
• Best Practices in Being Proactive to Address the Situation
• Final Thoughts

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Patrick D. Souter-Gray Reed & McGraw LLP