Managing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues in the Workplace


SKU: 410558


Become better prepared to engage in workplace dialogue, prevent discrimination, and promote acceptance.
The evolution of gender identity issues in the workplace has led many organizations and HR professionals to feel confused and overwhelmed. This presentation gives HR professionals, managers, and business owners the tools to engage in a dialogue with their workforce and ensure that the policies, practices, and procedures of the organization prevent discrimination and promote acceptance. From changes in reporting to genderneutral bathrooms, it is critical for employers to understand the changing legal and cultural landscape.

Date: 2023-02-27 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to define and understand the legal terminology in gender identity issues and the common lexicon.

* You will be able to identify issues of sensitivity and address and educate your teams.

* You will be able to discuss the intersectionality between MeToo issues and gender identity and its impact on your workforce.

* You will be able to review your policies and procedures to ensure they are compliant and on point with the legal trends.

Historical Context and Overview of Identity Issues
• Evolution of Gender Identity Issues
• Learning the Lexicon

Summary of the Development of Legal Rights in Employment
• Overview of Federal Legislation and EEOC Guidance
• State Law Trends
• Impact of #MeToo on Legal Landscape

How to Prepare Your Organization
• A Discussion on the Impact of a Transition
• Pronouns, Forms, and Interactions
• Bathrooms, Locker Rooms, and Changing Areas

ASA ,CLE (Please check the Detailed Credit Information page for states that have already been approved) ,HR Certification Institute ,CPE ,SHRM ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Julie A. Proscia, Esq.-Amundsen Davis