Leadership vs. Management (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 407741EAU


Understand which situations require leadership and which require management and when and why both are necessary skills.This is excellent topic for any manager who may have questions about the difference between leadership and management. This information is excellent for new managers or newly appointed supervisors who are juggling the needs of addressing people issues (leadership) and daytoday demands of the business (management). It is also useful for those who may mistakenly believe that being good at one is, or will, take care of the other. It also will help managers understand which situations may require leadership and which may require management and when and why both are necessary skills.

Date: 2020-07-27 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Definition of Leadership

Definition of Management

Key Differences

Why Both Are Important

Situations Require One or the Other or Both

Tips on Building Your Skills for Each

No Credit Available

Michael Cox-Michael Cox Management and Sales Training