Lead Like a Boss Without Being Bossy (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 408223EAU


Gain the tools you need to become a better leader without being perceived as ‘bossy.’Many times, people, whether they are in a managerial position with positional power or are colleagues, create an unnecessary level of conflict or resistance among their teammates by engaging in behaviors that can be perceived as inappropriately bossy if they are a colleague or as a micromanager if they are in a position of authority. This can lead to conflict, lost productivity, and turnover. Frequently the behaviors can be easily corrected and lead to a more productive and cohesive work environment and culture. This topic will help you understand what generally constitutes leadership behaviors and how they can implement them and how it differs from bossy behaviors. It also will provide some distinctions between appropriate behaviors needed to influence colleagues where there is not a level of positional authority as well as situations where such positional authority exists. Finally, it will identify key behaviors that can be easily implemented such as, active listening, providing a level of explanation, and generating a level of involvement among colleagues that has been shown to increase productivity, minimize conflict, and lower turnover.

Date: 2021-06-02 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

What Does It Mean to Be a Boss?
• Member of the Team but a Different Role
• Difference Between an Individual Contributor and the Boss- Boss Responsible for Output of Entire Unit
• Expectations of Your Role-Boss Versus Colleague

What Does It Mean to Be Bossy?
• Description of Bossy or Micromanagement Behavior
• Bossy Behaviors
• Consequences of Bossy Behaviors as Manager and Colleague

Definition of Leadership
• Textbook Definition
• Do You Have to Be a Manager to Be a Leader?
• Personal Power vs. Positional Power- True Influence
• Positive Consequences of Leadership

Leading as a Colleague vs. Leading as a Boss
• Expectations of Those Being Led and Perception of You and Your Role
• Leadership Characteristics
• Examples of Both- Specific

Best Practices for All Leaders-Bosses and Colleagues
• Share Ideas and Ask for Their Ideas- Generate Involvement.
• Ask More, Tell Less- Listen Acronym
• Focus on the Why as Well as the What and How
• Share and Give Credit
• Practice What You Preach

HR Certification Institute ,SHRM ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Michael Cox-Michael Cox Management and Sales Training